Living Beyond Breast Cancer
For October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we've partnered with Living Beyond Breast Cancer, a non-profit organization that seeks to create a world that understands there is more than one way to have breast cancer. To fulfill their mission of providing trusted information and a community of support, Living Beyond Breast Cancer offers on-demand emotional, practical, and evidence-based content that is meaningful to those newly diagnosed, in treatment, post-treatment, and living with metastatic disease.
Starting October 1st, The Black Dog will donate a portion of the proceeds from sales of two items - our Hugglehound Fleece Dog Bone and Fluffy the Pink Puppy. Shop now and help support this amazing organization!
Shop Hugglehound Fleece Bone ->
Shop Fluffy the Pink Puppy -->
Heartwarming Tails
Two courageous women from Living Beyond Breast Cancer shared their their photos of their four-legged fur-iends who were by their side during a battle against breast cancer. Read their heartwarming "tails" below!
Dani and Pearl
"I adopted Pearl as a tripod from the SPCA in August 2019, not long after I finished treatment for triple positive breast cancer. As soon as I saw her, I knew that we could heal and support each other. She’s my best friend and instantly uplifts everyone she meets with her gorgeous smile and loving personality!"

Heidi's Story
Heidi is a Helpline Volunteer and was diagnosed early stage in 2018 – Hormone Receptor Positive. Her mother lived with BC.
"My 3 dogs brought me so much comfort during my breast cancer journey. Chappy, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever was always watching me, as if sensing I might need him at any time. Yogi, our young, brown newfy, just laid his head on my bed for love. Bella, our black female newfy was ALWAYS at my feet or lying by my side. I am convinced she knew I was sick and was afraid to let me go far. I had to make sure I was always looking down when I got up or walked but it was worth it. These gentle giants gave me smiles and sweet love at a time when I needed it most."